List Configuration

Creating and configuring lists.

List Definition

There are many options you have for configuring different aspects of your list. Please see below for help on the different ones available.
  1. List Owners
    1. What is a list owner?
    2. Adding owners
    3. Changing owners
  2. List Moderators
    1. What is a moderator?
    2. Adding moderators
    3. Removing moderators
  3. Short Description
  4. Topics

Sending and Reception

Configuration options for who can send messages, digests, how the list subjects are represented, etc.
  1. Who can send messages
  2. Digest frequency
  3. Reply address
  4. Subject tagging


Some miscellaneous configuration possibilities, including expiring users, reminding them of their subscriptions.
  1. expire task
  2. remind task
  3. email address protection method

File Customization

Customizing text that is used to describe your list in various situations.


So kannst du ein Formular in Deine Webseite einbauen, das anderen ermöglicht, einfach eine Mailingliste auf zu abonnieren
  1. Einfaches HTML-Formular
  2. Etwas gefälliger
  3. Sehr gefällig