List Configuration

Creating and configuring lists.

List Definition

There are many options you have for configuring different aspects of your list. Please see below for help on the different ones available.
  1. 列表所有者
    1. 什么是一个列表的所有者?
    2. 增加所有者
    3. 更改所有者
  2. 列表版主
    1. 什么是版主?
    2. 添加版主
    3. 删除版主
  3. 简单介绍
  4. 主题

Sending and Reception

Configuration options for who can send messages, digests, how the list subjects are represented, etc.
  1. 哪些人可以发送消息
  2. 摘要频率
  3. 回复地址
  4. 主题标签


Some miscellaneous configuration possibilities, including expiring users, reminding them of their subscriptions.
  1. 逾期任务
  2. 提醒任务
  3. 保护电子邮件地址的方法

Shared Web Space

How to use, create, and edit shared web space for your list.
  1. 给列表创建共享网络空间
  2. 添加、浏览或编辑共享网络空间文档

File Customization

Customizing text that is used to describe your list in various situations.


How to create a form on your website which allows someone to subscribe to a list.
  1. 基本的 HTML表单
  2. 多一点奇思妙想
  3. 真正的奇思妙想